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This informative session will help you navigate Medicare’s appeals process by providing information on what an appeal is, how to determine if a ... This informative session will help you navigate Medicare’s appeals process by providing information on what an appeal is, how to determine if a claim can be appealed, who may file an appeal, the appeal levels, timeframes and documentation needed to support your appeal request. Helpful tips and resources will also be provided.

Who Should Attend

This session is geared to all provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
This webinar is designed for new home health and hospice agencies in an effort to provide essential information on: Doing business with National ... This webinar is designed for new home health and hospice agencies in an effort to provide essential information on: Doing business with National Government Services as your Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), self-service tools to help make your job easier and educational offerings and training events that are free for you to attend.

Who Should Attend

All new home health and hospice provider staff, including Clinicians, Billers, Compliance Officers, and any other home health or hospice staff who would benefit from the education mentioned in the session description.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • CEUs offered for this session: 1
1:30PM - 2:30PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide a brief overview of an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) provider, an understanding of submitting the CMS-855A or ... During this webinar, we’ll provide a brief overview of an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) provider, an understanding of submitting the CMS-855A or CMS-855B paper application and how to complete the provider enrollment Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) to initially enroll with Medicare as an OTP.

Who Should Attend

Part A and Part B providers furnishing opioid use disorder treatment services at Opioid Treatment Program Facilities.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
12:00PM - 1:00PM EST
During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about all aspects of provider enrollment. Answers will be provided by a panel of ... During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about all aspects of provider enrollment. Answers will be provided by a panel of subject-matter experts. As this is a question-and-answer session, there is no presentation available.

Who Should Attend

Part A, FQHC, HH+H and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this session
  • There are no CEUs offered or this session
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to utilize the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Internet-based Provider ... During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to utilize the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Internet-based Provider Enrollment Chain & Ownership System (PECOS) to be comfortable in navigating the system to submit a provider enrollment electronic application.

Who Should Attend

Part A, FQHC, HH+H and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
12:00PM - 1:00PM EST
Join us for Part 1 of a two-part webinar. In Part 1, we review conditional claim coding and how to prepare/submit a conditional claim. This ... Join us for Part 1 of a two-part webinar. In Part 1, we review conditional claim coding and how to prepare/submit a conditional claim. This includes a review of the claim entry pages in the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System Direct Data Entry. A conditional claim is a claim submitted to us because the primary payer did not pay for a valid reason or did not pay promptly for an accident. We will review conditional claim examples in part 2 on 2/27/2025.

Who Should Attend

All Part A providers that bill on CMS-1450/electronic equivalent – billing staff.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
1:00PM - 2:30PM EST
Join us for Part 2 of a two-part webinar. In Part 2, we will briefly recap the conditional claim coding and billing instructions we reviewed in ... Join us for Part 2 of a two-part webinar. In Part 2, we will briefly recap the conditional claim coding and billing instructions we reviewed in Part 1 (on 2/26/2025). We will then focus on reviewing examples of conditional claims. A conditional claim is a claim submitted to us because the primary payer did not pay for a valid reason or did not pay promptly for an accident.

Who Should Attend

All Part A providers that bill on CMS-1450/electronic equivalent – billing staff.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
1:00PM - 2:30PM EST
When claims are submitted with invalid, incomplete or incorrect information, our claims processing system will detect these errors and will reject ... When claims are submitted with invalid, incomplete or incorrect information, our claims processing system will detect these errors and will reject claims as unprocessable. Our goal is to assist our providers in submitting claims correctly the first time. Join us as we review the common errors found and what appropriate next steps should be taken.

Who Should Attend

All provider types to include staff members of an individual, group, or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 11:00AM EST
Duplicate denials continue to be one of the top billing errors. Unnecessary duplicate filing of Medicare claims cost the provider's office ... Duplicate denials continue to be one of the top billing errors. Unnecessary duplicate filing of Medicare claims cost the provider's office valuable time and resources, as well as Medicare's time and money to process them. Please join us for tips on how to avoid them.

Who Should Attend

All provider types to include staff members of an individual, group, or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:30AM - 11:30AM EST
This webinar will assist Part B providers with navigating tables for the National Correct Coding Initiative and the medically unlikely edits. ... This webinar will assist Part B providers with navigating tables for the National Correct Coding Initiative and the medically unlikely edits. We'll also review proper modifiers to use to avoid denials. There will be time for your questions following the presentation.

Who Should Attend

Physicians, nonphysican practitioners and associated billing/office staff who submit claims to Medicare Part B. New providers and new staff members. Small and large provider groups are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for all provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:00AM - 10:15AM EST
This webinar is intended to educate providers and office staff members on how to complete a clean claim to avoid claim rejections, developments or ... This webinar is intended to educate providers and office staff members on how to complete a clean claim to avoid claim rejections, developments or denials. We will guide you through the CMS-1500 claim form and the electronic equivalent loops and segments. We will also review some common errors found in claims submission, which will help you in submitting claims correctly the first time. If you are a paper or electronic claims submitter, new to submitting claims or just need a refresher on claim submissions, this webinar is for you. We hope you will join us!

Who Should Attend

New or established physicians, nonphysician practitioners, groups and staff members.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 11:00AM EST
This webinar includes the top continuous errors we find at National Government Services with claim submissions. Join us to learn how to correct ... This webinar includes the top continuous errors we find at National Government Services with claim submissions. Join us to learn how to correct your claims. We will also include an interactive segment on the different claim scenarios that cause claim and payment delays and offer steps to correct them.

Who Should Attend

New or established physicians, nonphysician practitioners, groups and staff members.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 11:00AM EST
Do you struggle with your claim denials, rejections and return to provider (RTP) claims? Do you want to be proactive in preventing unnecessary ... Do you struggle with your claim denials, rejections and return to provider (RTP) claims? Do you want to be proactive in preventing unnecessary errors? Join us in a review of top claim errors for your provider type based on recent data analysis and to learn helpful tips and resources.

Who Should Attend

This session is applicable to all Part A providers who submit claims to National Government Services. Small providers are encouraged to attend this session as the topics and education format is appropriate for those provider types. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
1:00PM - 2:30PM EST
Attention All Independent Ambulance Suppliers! If you are providing repetitive, scheduled, non-emergent ambulance transports (RSNAT), you'll want ... Attention All Independent Ambulance Suppliers! If you are providing repetitive, scheduled, non-emergent ambulance transports (RSNAT), you'll want to attend this webinar. Join us to learn everything you need to know about the RSNAT program.

Who Should Attend

Medicare Part B Independent Ambulance Suppliers are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
To prevent return to provider (RTP) claims, join us for this webinar in which we will review the three-day payment window policy (a.k.a. bundling, ... To prevent return to provider (RTP) claims, join us for this webinar in which we will review the three-day payment window policy (a.k.a. bundling, preadmission services, diagnosis-related group [DRG] window, 72-hour rule) and provide billing instructions for outpatient services rendered by an admitting acute care hospital (ACH) on and/or within three days prior to the admission date of a covered inpatient stay.

Who Should Attend

Acute care hospital billing staff (inpatient and outpatient)

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
10:30AM - 12:00PM EST
In this webinar, the Exemption Team will compare the standard prior authorization review process to the exemption process with a focus on how to ... In this webinar, the Exemption Team will compare the standard prior authorization review process to the exemption process with a focus on how to gain exemption status and remain exempt through the post pay claim review process.

Who Should Attend

All Part A and Part B providers who submit Prior Authorization Requests and bill for Hospital OPD services.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
Join us for this general webinar about Prior Authorization for certain Hospital Outpatient Department (OPD) services. This webinar will have a ... Join us for this general webinar about Prior Authorization for certain Hospital Outpatient Department (OPD) services. This webinar will have a non-clinical focus with emphasis on general requirements as listed in the OPD Operational Guide.

Who Should Attend

All Part A and Part B providers who are required to submit Prior Authorization Requests for Certain Hospital OPD Services.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll address the Medicare dental specialty codes and provide an overview of how to enroll using Provider Enrollment, Chain ... During this webinar, we’ll address the Medicare dental specialty codes and provide an overview of how to enroll using Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) as well as using the CMS-855I paper application. This session is intended to initially enroll dentists who are sole owners, sole proprietors and/or reassign any/all Medicare benefits.

Who Should Attend

Dentists who are sole owners, sole proprietors and/or reassign any/all Medicare benefits. It is also intended for groups, organizations, physicians, nonphysician practitioners and provider credentialing staff.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
2:00PM - 3:00PM EST
This Let’s Chat session focuses on Prior Authorization for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services and is an informal opportunity ... This Let’s Chat session focuses on Prior Authorization for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services and is an informal opportunity for you to chat with our staff about the selected topic. During the session, you may ask us questions on the selected topic and our panel of relevant subject-matter experts will address. We encourage your participation and questions. You may submit questions up to two days before the session via the provided emails. Please submit each question once and exclude any protected health information (PHI). Presubmitted questions will be addressed during the session. Email either: or This is a Q&A session; therefore, no presentation materials are offered.

Who Should Attend

All Part A and Part B providers who submit Prior Authorization Requests for Certain Hospital OPD Services. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
  • There are no materials to download for this session.
11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
This Let’s Chat session focuses on Prior Authorization for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services and is an informal opportunity ... This Let’s Chat session focuses on Prior Authorization for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services and is an informal opportunity for you to chat with our staff about the selected topic. During the session, you may ask us questions on the selected topic and our panel of relevant subject-matter experts will address. We encourage your participation and questions. You may submit questions up to two days before the session via the provided emails. Please submit each question once and exclude any protected health information (PHI). Presubmitted questions will be addressed during the session. Email either: or This is a Q&A session; therefore, no presentation materials are offered.

Who Should Attend

All Part A and Part B providers who submit Prior Authorization Requests for Certain Hospital OPD Services. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
  • There are no materials to download for this session.
11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
This Let’s Chat session focuses on Prior Authorization for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services and is an informal opportunity ... This Let’s Chat session focuses on Prior Authorization for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services and is an informal opportunity for you to chat with our staff about the selected topic. During the session, you may ask us questions on the selected topic and our panel of relevant subject-matter experts will address. We encourage your participation and questions. You may submit questions up to two days before the session via the provided emails. Please submit each question once and exclude any protected health information (PHI). Presubmitted questions will be addressed during the session. Email either: or This is a Q&A session; therefore, no presentation materials are offered.

Who Should Attend

All Part A and Part B providers who submit Prior Authorization Requests for Certain Hospital OPD Services. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
  • There are no materials to download for this session.
11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
Beginning in March 2025, National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B ... Beginning in March 2025, National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are submitted through NGSConnex. During this webinar, we’ll share information and details on this new initiative with our providers.

Who Should Attend

Current and potential Medicare Part B NGSConnex users.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
12:30PM - 1:30PM EST
Beginning in March 2025, National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B ... Beginning in March 2025, National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are submitted through NGSConnex. During this webinar, we’ll share information and details on this new initiative with our providers.

Who Should Attend

Current and potential Medicare Part B NGSConnex users.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:30PM - 2:30PM EST
Medicare covers a limited number of dental services. The purpose of this webinar is to familiarize dental providers with National Government ... Medicare covers a limited number of dental services. The purpose of this webinar is to familiarize dental providers with National Government Services (NGS) and Medicare Part B dental coverage. Discussion will include an overview of the NGS Medicare Administrative Contractor, dental coverage, who can provide dental services, general claim submission guidelines, coordinating care and more. Questions and answers will be addressed as well. Come join us for this very informative session.

Who Should Attend

Dentists who provide services to Medicare beneficiaries.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
11:30AM - 1:00PM EST
Medicare offers several tools to help providers bill their services. Many questions you have can be answered by learning how to access and use the ... Medicare offers several tools to help providers bill their services. Many questions you have can be answered by learning how to access and use the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database. We hope you'll join us for an overview of this database.

Who Should Attend

All provider types to include staff members of an individual, group, or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
11:30AM - 1:00PM EST
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) program to promote national correct ... The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) program to promote national correct coding. Incorrect coding often leads to improper payment and increases the paid claims error rate. If you have received claim denials related to Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) or Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) edits, join us for a session where we will review the background of NCCI and how you can address common coding errors and ways they can be avoided.

Who Should Attend

This session is geared to all provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:30AM - 11:30AM EST
Provide an understanding of the fundamentals of the original Medicare Program. Provide an understanding of the fundamentals of the original Medicare Program.

Who Should Attend

This session is applicable to all original Medicare Part A provider’s staff at urban and rural hospitals, facilities and health centers who submit claims via the UB-04/CMS-1450, the 837 Institutional claim or FISS DDE. Please note these sessions are not geared toward home health and hospice or Part B suppliers/providers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
3:00PM - 4:30PM EST
In an effort to raise awareness and increase utilization of tobacco use counseling, we’ll focus on the effects of nicotine dependence including ... In an effort to raise awareness and increase utilization of tobacco use counseling, we’ll focus on the effects of nicotine dependence including affected health consequences during this webinar. Medicare coverage, coding, billing and documentation guidelines for tobacco use counseling for outpatient and hospitalized beneficiaries will also be covered. National Government Services (NGS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) resources will be provided and a brief question and answer period will be offered at the end of the session.

Who Should Attend

All providers who provide preventive services to Medicare beneficiaries are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
Are you a federally qualified health center provider that would like to learn about basic billing and reimbursement under the federally qualified ... Are you a federally qualified health center provider that would like to learn about basic billing and reimbursement under the federally qualified health center (FQHC) prospective payment system (PPS)? This webinar will include claim and payment examples for new providers/staff or those that need a refresher.

Who Should Attend

FQHC biller and staff. Small providers are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
3:00PM - 4:30PM EST
If you manage finances for a Medicare Part B provider practice, NGSConnex offers valuable tools for organizing and settling payments, including ... If you manage finances for a Medicare Part B provider practice, NGSConnex offers valuable tools for organizing and settling payments, including overpayments. Local security officers (LSOs) can also access and print electronic versions of 1099 forms. Please join us as we share tips to success for financial management.

Who Should Attend

All Part B providers who submit claims to Medicare are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this webinar
  • CEUs offered: 1
9:00AM - 10:00AM EST
This webinar is geared toward Part B providers who bill to Medicare on a CMS-1500 form. Did you ever wonder what you need to do when a claim ... This webinar is geared toward Part B providers who bill to Medicare on a CMS-1500 form. Did you ever wonder what you need to do when a claim denies, or you might have made a clerical error on a claim? What about checking on a prior authorization? These transactions are just a few things that can be accomplished through the NGSConnex portal quickly and efficiently. Join us for this webinar where we will review how to initiate an appeal or reopen a clerical error on a claim, check the status, initiate and respond to prior authorization requests and offer additional NGSConnex resources.

Who Should Attend

All Part B providers who submit claims to Medicare are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this webinar
  • CEUs offered: 1
9:30AM - 10:30AM EST
During this webinar, we’ll address the Medicare dental specialty codes and provide an overview of how to enroll using Provider Enrollment, Chain ... During this webinar, we’ll address the Medicare dental specialty codes and provide an overview of how to enroll using Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) as well as using the CMS-855I paper application. This session is intended to initially enroll dentists who are sole owners, sole proprietors and/or reassign any/all Medicare benefits.

Who Should Attend

Dentists who are sole owners, sole proprietors and/or reassign any/all Medicare benefits. It is also intended for groups, organizations, physicians, nonphysician practitioners and provider credentialing staff.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to utilize the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Internet-based Provider ... During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to utilize the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Internet-based Provider Enrollment Chain & Ownership System (PECOS) to be comfortable in navigating the system to submit a provider enrollment electronic application.

Who Should Attend

Part A, FQHC, HH+H and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
11:30AM - 12:30PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll discuss how to obtain access to the Internet-based Provider Enrollment Chain & Ownership System (PECOS) and gain ... During this webinar, we’ll discuss how to obtain access to the Internet-based Provider Enrollment Chain & Ownership System (PECOS) and gain connection to provider enrollment record as well as understand other Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) systems and how they relate. These systems include National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) and Identity & Access (I&A) Management System. This session will not include detailed instructions on how to complete and submit for provider enrollment applications via PECOS.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is intended for Part A, FQHC, HH+H and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
11:30AM - 12:30PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to view and manage reassignments through the group enrollment in Provider Enrollment, ... During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to view and manage reassignments through the group enrollment in Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS), including to add or terminate reassignments. Individual providers must currently have an active enrollment with the state the group is practicing to be able to add a reassignment through the group enrollment.

Who Should Attend

Part B providers, suppliers, groups, organizations, physicians, nonphysician practitioners and provider credentialing staff.

Registration Information

Preregistration is mandatory for this free webinar. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
Do you need assistance with login issues and account suspensions? Do you know who your local security officer is and what they are responsible ... Do you need assistance with login issues and account suspensions? Do you know who your local security officer is and what they are responsible for? We will also review how to edit the user profile and updating access within the portal. After this session, attendees will have a better understanding of account management within NGSConnex.

Who Should Attend

Part A providers, FQHC, RHC and HH+H providers. Small providers are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
11:00AM - 12:00PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to complete the CMS-855A provider enrollment paper application. During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to complete the CMS-855A provider enrollment paper application.

Who Should Attend

Part A, FQHC and HH+H institutional suppliers. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
12:00PM - 1:00PM EST
During this webinar, learn about important changes in the revalidation process, how to determine Medicare enrollment revalidation due date and ... During this webinar, learn about important changes in the revalidation process, how to determine Medicare enrollment revalidation due date and information to avoid disruption in Medicare billing.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is intended for Part A, FQHC, HH+H and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration is mandatory for this free webinar. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
During this webinar, we'll provide an understanding of how to complete the CMS-855B provider enrollment paper application for a clinic, group or ... During this webinar, we'll provide an understanding of how to complete the CMS-855B provider enrollment paper application for a clinic, group or supplier.

Who Should Attend

Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to complete the CMS-855I provider enrollment paper application for a group member, sole ... During this webinar, we’ll provide an understanding of how to complete the CMS-855I provider enrollment paper application for a group member, sole proprietor or sole owner and we’ll also focus on reassigning Medicare benefits.

Who Should Attend

Individual physician and nonphysician practitioners who are a sole owner, sole proprietor and/or reassign any/all Medicare benefits. It is also intended for any group, entity or individual that will be adding, updating or terminating reassignment for individual physician or nonphysician practitioner.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about all aspects of provider enrollment. Answers will be provided by a panel of ... During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about all aspects of provider enrollment. Answers will be provided by a panel of subject-matter experts. As this is a question-and-answer session, there is no presentation available.

Who Should Attend

Part A, FQHC, HH+H and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this session
  • There are no CEUs offered or this session
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll give direction for the Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) application on understanding how to ... During this webinar, we’ll give direction for the Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) application on understanding how to manage signatures and respond to additional information request from submitted applications.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is intended for Part A, FQHC, HH+H, and Part B providers and suppliers.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
In an effort to raise awareness and increase utilization of tobacco use counseling, we’ll focus on the effects of nicotine dependence including ... In an effort to raise awareness and increase utilization of tobacco use counseling, we’ll focus on the effects of nicotine dependence including affected health consequences during this webinar. Medicare coverage, coding, billing and documentation guidelines for tobacco use counseling for outpatient and hospitalized beneficiaries will also be covered. National Government Services (NGS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) resources will be provided and a brief question and answer period will be offered at the end of the session.

Who Should Attend

All providers who provide preventive services to Medicare beneficiaries are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
In an effort to raise awareness and increase utilization of tobacco use counseling, we’ll focus on the effects of nicotine dependence including ... In an effort to raise awareness and increase utilization of tobacco use counseling, we’ll focus on the effects of nicotine dependence including affected health consequences during this webinar. Medicare coverage, coding, billing and documentation guidelines for tobacco use counseling for outpatient and hospitalized beneficiaries will also be covered. National Government Services (NGS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) resources will be provided and a brief question and answer period will be offered at the end of the session.

Who Should Attend

All providers who provide preventive services to Medicare beneficiaries are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
During this Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) learning session, we'll teach you how to submit your MSP claims with the appropriate loops and ... During this Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) learning session, we'll teach you how to submit your MSP claims with the appropriate loops and segments. We'll review the MSP billing requirements for paper and electronic claims and conditional payments. Please attend this session to learn how to properly submit Medicare claims as secondary payer. There will be time following the presentation to address your questions.

Who Should Attend

Providers and suppliers who submit claims to Medicare Part B. New providers and new staff members. Small and large provider groups are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for all provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
10:30AM - 12:00PM EST
During this webinar, we'll help the Medicare provider community understand the targeted probe and educate program. During this webinar, we'll help the Medicare provider community understand the targeted probe and educate program.

Who Should Attend

All providers to include staff members of an individual, group or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
10:00AM - 11:15AM EST
During this webinar, we'll review the coverage, coding and billing guidelines for bone mass measurements, colorectal and prostate cancer screenings. During this webinar, we'll review the coverage, coding and billing guidelines for bone mass measurements, colorectal and prostate cancer screenings.

Who Should Attend

This webinar will be of interest to all Part B providers who furnish these types of preventive services to their Medicare patients.

Registration Information

Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be shared two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
10:00AM - 11:15AM EST
This webinar will help the ambulance community understand the importance of medical necessity as it pertains to Medicare’s coverage guidelines. This webinar will help the ambulance community understand the importance of medical necessity as it pertains to Medicare’s coverage guidelines.

Who Should Attend

Ambulance providers, suppliers and billing support who submit claims to National Government Services for Medicare beneficiaries.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
This webinar will assist Part B providers with navigating tables for the National Correct Coding Initiative and the medically unlikely edits. ... This webinar will assist Part B providers with navigating tables for the National Correct Coding Initiative and the medically unlikely edits. We'll also review proper modifiers to use to avoid denials. There will be time for your questions following the presentation.

Who Should Attend

Physicians, nonphysican practitioners and associated billing/office staff who submit claims to Medicare Part B. New providers and new staff members. Small and large provider groups are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for all provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:00AM - 10:15AM EST
Duplicate denials continue to be one of the top billing errors. Unnecessary duplicate filing of Medicare claims cost the provider's office ... Duplicate denials continue to be one of the top billing errors. Unnecessary duplicate filing of Medicare claims cost the provider's office valuable time and resources, as well as Medicare's time and money to process them. Please join us for tips on how to avoid them.

Who Should Attend

All provider types to include staff members of an individual, group, or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:30AM - 11:30AM EST
Join us as we review billing guidelines for physical and occupational therapy. We'll review when to apply the KX modifier and the importance of ... Join us as we review billing guidelines for physical and occupational therapy. We'll review when to apply the KX modifier and the importance of appropriate medical documentation. National Government Services has a Local Coverage Determination (L33631) and a Billing and Coding Article (A56566) for outpatient physical and occupational therapy services. It will be beneficial to review this policy prior to attending the session. There will be an opportunity to address your questions following the presentation.

Who Should Attend

Medicare Part B physical therapists and occupational therapists are encouraged to attend this session.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:00AM - 10:30AM EST
National Government Services is committed to reducing provider burden associated with Medicare claim denials, reopenings and appeals. Filing an ... National Government Services is committed to reducing provider burden associated with Medicare claim denials, reopenings and appeals. Filing an inquiry on a Medicare claim can be frustrating and costly to your organization. This delay in payment will cost your organization time and money. It’s critical to provide all necessary information on the initial claim to avoid the reopening/redetermination administrative burden. To help you avoid common pitfalls that could delay getting your claim paid, we encourage you to attend this open forum session for an opportunity to ask questions about this topic. Answers will be provided by Provider Outreach and Education Subject Matter Experts.

Who Should Attend

Physicians, nonphysican practitioners and associated billing/office staff who submit claims to Medicare Part B. New providers and new staff members. Small and large provider groups are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for all provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
Part two of this home health billing series focuses on the period of care claim, how reimbursement is determined under the Patient Driven ... Part two of this home health billing series focuses on the period of care claim, how reimbursement is determined under the Patient Driven Groupings Model and review of the key billing requirements for claim billing. This session is a great opportunity for all agency staff involved with home health billing to become familiar with basic billing practices. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers following the presentation.

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all home health providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added to this Event Details Page two days prior to the event.  
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a two-part home health (HH) billing series. Part one will focus on what you need to know before ... Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a two-part home health (HH) billing series. Part one will focus on what you need to know before billing, verifying eligibility and the required fields to properly submit the Notice of Admission (NOA). This session is geared toward new billers or any home health agency (HHA) staff new to HH that may benefit from billing education. There will be time for questions and answers following the presentation.

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all home health providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added to this Event Details Page two days prior to the event.  
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome billing questions. This is a great opportunity ... Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome billing questions. This is a great opportunity to discuss areas of billing more in depth and review helpful guides and resources. Keep in mind all questions regarding specific claims should be directed to the Provider Contact Center (PCC) – this is an informal session to talk through scenarios that may be affecting several of your claims and explore billing solutions. So, bring your mug and let’s sit down to discuss!

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all home health providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this session. 
  • No CEUs offered for this session
1:30PM - 2:00PM EST
Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome billing questions. This is a great opportunity ... Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome billing questions. This is a great opportunity to discuss areas of billing more in depth and review helpful guides and resources. Keep in mind all questions regarding specific claims should be directed to the Provider Contact Center (PCC) – this is an informal session to talk through scenarios that may be affecting several of your claims and explore billing solutions. So, bring your mug and let’s sit down to discuss!

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all home health providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this session. 
  • No CEUs offered for this session
11:30AM - 12:00PM EST
Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome hospice billing questions. This is a great ... Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome hospice billing questions. This is a great opportunity to discuss areas of billing more in depth and review helpful guides and resources. Keep in mind all questions regarding specific claims should be directed to the Provider Contact Center (PCC) – this is an informal session to talk through scenarios that may be affecting several of your claims and explore billing solutions. So, bring your mug and let’s sit down to discuss!

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all hospice providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this session. 
  • No CEUs offered for this session
2:00PM - 2:30PM EST
Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome hospice billing questions. This is a great ... Provider Outreach and Education is hosting a 30-minute coffee break to help answer your troublesome hospice billing questions. This is a great opportunity to discuss areas of billing more in depth and review helpful guides and resources. Keep in mind all questions regarding specific claims should be directed to the Provider Contact Center (PCC) – this is an informal session to talk through scenarios that may be affecting several of your claims and explore billing solutions. So, bring your mug and let’s sit down to discuss!

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all hospice providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this session. 
  • No CEUs offered for this session
1:30PM - 2:00PM EST
Do you see the same rejections and returns to provider (RTPs) over and over? Do you know how to correct the most common errors and, more ... Do you see the same rejections and returns to provider (RTPs) over and over? Do you know how to correct the most common errors and, more importantly, how to avoid them in the future? In this session, we’ll review the most common reason codes assigned to the home health Notice of Admissions (NOAs) and period of care claims and discuss steps to correct them. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers after a brief presentation.

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all home health providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added to this Event Detail page two days prior to the event. 
  • CEUs offered for this session: 1
1:30PM - 2:30PM EST
Do you see the same rejections and returns to provider (RTPs) over and over? Do you know how to correct the most common errors and more ... Do you see the same rejections and returns to provider (RTPs) over and over? Do you know how to correct the most common errors and more importantly how to avoid them in the future? In this session, we’ll review the most common reason codes assigned to the hospice Notice of Election (NOE) and claims and discuss steps to correct them. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers after a brief presentation.

Who Should Attend

Billing staff, billing managers and compliance officers of all hospice providers with National Government Services as their MAC.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added to this Event Detail page two days prior to the event. 
  • CEUs offered for this session: 1
1:30PM - 2:30PM EST
Medicare Part B covers certain drugs and biologicals, which require specific billing guidelines. During this webinar, we’ll assist NGS Part B ... Medicare Part B covers certain drugs and biologicals, which require specific billing guidelines. During this webinar, we’ll assist NGS Part B providers in navigating proper billing for these services. There will be time following the presentation to address your questions.

Who Should Attend

Part B physicians and nonphysician practitioners who furnish these types of services to their patients.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
During this webinar, we'll provide you with insight into Medicare fraud and abuse, along with descriptions of laws that help to prevent fraud and ... During this webinar, we'll provide you with insight into Medicare fraud and abuse, along with descriptions of laws that help to prevent fraud and abuse from occurring. Education will be provided to increase awareness of integrity issues and prevention of potential fraudulent and abusive practices against the Medicare Program. We'll also review real life fraud cases.

Who Should Attend

All providers to include staff members of an individual, group, or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
10:00AM - 11:15AM EST
This webinar is geared toward all lines of business. Come join us and see how NGSConnex can make your life a little easier. We will review what ... This webinar is geared toward all lines of business. Come join us and see how NGSConnex can make your life a little easier. We will review what NGSConnex has to offer, including registration, logging in, creating and managing accounts, a brief discussion of transactions that can be completed and available resources. If you are new to NGSConnex or would like a refresher on what the NGSConnex portal offers, this webinar is for you.

Who Should Attend

All providers who submit claims to Medicare are encouraged to attend. New and current NGSConnex users are encouraged to attend. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this webinar
  • CEUs offered: 1
2:30PM - 3:30PM EST
We aim to help providers maximize the benefits of NGSConnex, particularly in claims review. NGSConnex provides an in-depth view of claims ... We aim to help providers maximize the benefits of NGSConnex, particularly in claims review. NGSConnex provides an in-depth view of claims submitted to and adjudicated by National Governemnt Services. During this webinar, we’ll highlight its advantages in claim inquiries and details, including accessing remittances and submitting written inquiries. An open question and answer period will follow the presentation.

Who Should Attend

All providers who submit claims to Medicare are encouraged to attend.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this webinar
  • CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
When claims are submitted with invalid, incomplete or incorrect information, our claims processing system will detect these errors and will reject ... When claims are submitted with invalid, incomplete or incorrect information, our claims processing system will detect these errors and will reject claims as unprocessable. Our goal is to assist our providers in submitting claims correctly the first time. Join us as we review the common errors found and what appropriate next steps should be taken.

Who Should Attend

All provider types to include staff members of an individual, group or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be shared two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 11:00AM EST
This webinar is intended to educate providers and office staff members on how to complete a clean claim to avoid claim rejections, developments or ... This webinar is intended to educate providers and office staff members on how to complete a clean claim to avoid claim rejections, developments or denials. We will guide you through the CMS-1500 claim form and the electronic equivalent loops and segments. We will also review some common errors found in claims submission, which will help you in submitting claims correctly the first time. If you are a paper or electronic claims submitter, new to submitting claims or just need a refresher on claim submissions, this webinar is for you. We hope you will join us!

Who Should Attend

New or established physicians, nonphysician practitioners, groups and staff members.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 11:00AM EST
This webinar includes the top continuous errors we find at National Government Services with claim submissions. Join us to learn how to correct ... This webinar includes the top continuous errors we find at National Government Services with claim submissions. Join us to learn how to correct your claims. We will also include an interactive segment on the different claim scenarios that cause claim and payment delays and offer steps to correct them.

Who Should Attend

New or established physicians, nonphysician practitioners, groups and staff members.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 11:00AM EST
Medicare covers a limited number of dental services. The purpose of this webinar is to familiarize dental providers with National Government ... Medicare covers a limited number of dental services. The purpose of this webinar is to familiarize dental providers with National Government Services (NGS) and Medicare Part B dental coverage. Discussion will include an overview of the NGS Medicare Administrative Contractor, dental coverage, who can provide dental services, general claim submission guidelines, coordinating care and more. Questions and answers will be addressed as well. Come join us for this very informative session.

Who Should Attend

Dentists who provide services to Medicare beneficiaries.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
11:30AM - 1:00PM EST
This webinar is geared toward all lines of business. Knowing if your patient is Medicare eligible is important for correct claims processing. ... This webinar is geared toward all lines of business. Knowing if your patient is Medicare eligible is important for correct claims processing. Please join us for this NGSConnex portal webinar where we will review Beneficiary eligibility and look up, understand the eligibility panels, learn how to use the MBI look up tool and provide NGSConnex portal resources.

Who Should Attend

All providers who submit claims to Medicare are encouraged to attend. New and current NGSConnex users are encouraged to attend. 

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • There are no materials to download for this webinar
  • CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
An opioid treatment program (OTP) is a clinic offering medication-assisted treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder. During this ... An opioid treatment program (OTP) is a clinic offering medication-assisted treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder. During this webinar, we’ll review background and coverage details, including key billing requirements for proper claims processing for enrolled OTPs. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

Who Should Attend

New or established physicians, nonphysician practitioners, groups and staff members.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:00AM - 11:00AM EST
National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are ... National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are submitted through NGSConnex beginning in March 2025. During this webinar, we’ll share information and details on this new initiative with our providers.

Who Should Attend

Current and potential Medicare Part B NGSConnex users.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
10:30AM - 11:30AM EST
National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are ... National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are submitted through NGSConnex beginning in March 2025. During this webinar, we’ll share information and details on this new initiative with our providers.

Who Should Attend

Current and potential Medicare Part B NGSConnex users.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
9:00AM - 10:00AM EST
National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are ... National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are submitted through NGSConnex beginning in March 2025. During this webinar, we’ll share information and details on this new initiative with our providers.

Who Should Attend

Current and potential Medicare Part B NGSConnex users.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are ... National Government Services will discontinue mailing paper Medicare Redetermination Notices (MRNs) when Part B redetermination requests are submitted through NGSConnex beginning in March 2025. During this webinar, we’ll share information and details on this new initiative with our providers.

Who Should Attend

Current and potential Medicare Part B NGSConnex users.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
2:00PM - 3:00PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide you with insight into covered Medicare telehealth services and coverage requirements. We’ll discuss originating ... During this webinar, we’ll provide you with insight into covered Medicare telehealth services and coverage requirements. We’ll discuss originating sites, distant sites and billing and payment guidelines.

Who Should Attend

All providers to include staff members of an individual, group, or organization. Small and large provider practices are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
11:00AM - 12:15PM EST
During this webinar, we will discuss chiropractic coverage, coding guidelines and the importance of documentation in order to support billing for ... During this webinar, we will discuss chiropractic coverage, coding guidelines and the importance of documentation in order to support billing for these services.

Who Should Attend

It is suggested our chiropractors, office staff and billers attend this webinar.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials will be added two days prior to the webinar
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1.5
9:30AM - 10:45AM EST
This session will focus on the basics of Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) inpatient billing, including the required fields on SNF claims, timeframes ... This session will focus on the basics of Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) inpatient billing, including the required fields on SNF claims, timeframes for claim submission and how proper billing impacts payment.

Who Should Attend

This session is applicable to all Part A SNF and Swing Bed providers who submit claims to National Government Services. Small providers are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added two days prior to the event
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
During this webinar, we’ll provide you with insight into covered Medicare telehealth services and coverage requirements for federally qualified ... During this webinar, we’ll provide you with insight into covered Medicare telehealth services and coverage requirements for federally qualified health center (FQHC) and rural health clinic (RHC) providers. We’ll discuss originating sites, distant sites and billing and payment guidelines.

Who Should Attend

FQHC and RHC billers and staff. Small providers are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar is mandatory. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added to this Event Details Page two days prior to the event  
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
Ensure that you are compliant and avoid financial penalties by understanding the Medicare overpayment regulations. This session will focus on ... Ensure that you are compliant and avoid financial penalties by understanding the Medicare overpayment regulations. This session will focus on identifying overpayments, using the proper forms and procedures, the timelines for repayment and the different options providers can choose from when refunding Medicare. In addition, learn about the new credit balance reporting guidelines.

Who Should Attend

This session is applicable to all Part A providers who submit claims to NGS. Small providers are encouraged to attend this session as the topic and education format is appropriate for those provider types.

Registration Information

Preregistration for this free webinar session is mandatory. Space is limited. Once registration is completed, an email including instructions for accessing the event will be sent to the email address provided. You will need the link provided in the confirmation email in order to attend. Please do not share your link with others; it is unique to your registration.

Additional Information

  • Materials for this session will be added to this Event Details Page two days prior to the event  
  • Number of CEUs offered: 1
1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
SortByDate Event Description Event Date PDF

Exemption Process for the Prior Authorization Program for Certain Hospital Outpatient Department Services


Provider Enrollment: Initially Enrolling a Dentist in the Medicare Program


Utilizing Modifiers for Medicare Part B Dental Services


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use


Proper Medicare Part B Claim Submissions


Steps to Claim Corrections


Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transports Prior Authorization


Utilizing Third Party Billing Companies


Medicare Part B Ambulance Coverage, Basics and Billing


PECOS: Manage Signatures and Additional Information Requests


NGS RuralServ - Changing the Way We Deliver Education to You!


Mastering Critical Access Hospital Billing and Compliance


Rural Health Clinics – What You Need to Know!


Navigating Medicare Compliance for Federally Qualified Health Centers


Introduction to Medicare Contractors


Understanding Medicare Fraud and Abuse


Using Medicare Resources


How To Prevent Claim Errors That Could Be Seen as Abusive or Fraudulent


Complying with the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Program


The “How To” in Avoiding Documentation-Related Claim Denials


Understanding Your Medicare Secondary Payer Responsibilities


Let’s Get Familiar with National Correct Coding Initiatives Procedures


Medicare Part B Top Claim Denials


Medicare Overpayments Process


Skilled Nursing Facility Billing Basics


Medicare Part B Top Claim Denials


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use


Medicare Part B Secondary Payer Post-Pay Overpayments


The National Correct Coding Initiative and Medically Unlikely Edits for Part B Providers


How to Avoid Duplicate Claims


Medicare Part B Drugs and Biologicals


Proper Medicare Part B Claim Submissions


Reducing Unprocessable Claim Rejections


Steps to Claim Corrections


Provider Enrollment Revalidation Overview


Provider Enrollment: Opioid Treatment Program


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855B Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855I Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855A Paper Application


Introduction to Medicare Part I


Introduction to Medicare Part II


Getting Access to PECOS


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use


PECOS: View and Manage Reassignments through Group Enrollment


Submitting Revalidation via PECOS


Physical/Occupational Therapy Billing


Provider Enrollment: Initially Enrolling a Dentist in the Medicare Program


Ambulance Services and Establishing Medical Necessity for Part B Providers


Podiatry Services - Routine Foot Care and Debridement of Nails


Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use and Lung Cancer Screening


Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity and Screening for Depression and Alcohol Misuse Screening


Flu, COVID-19 and PPV Vaccines


Screening Mammography, Pap Test and Pelvic Exam


2024 Health Equity Services


Top Part B Claim Errors for Preventive Services


Initial Preventive Physical Examination and Annual Wellness Visit


Bone Mass Measurements, Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Screenings


Screening for Cardiovascular Disease and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm


The National Correct Coding Initiative and Medically Unlikely Edits for Part B Providers


How to Avoid Duplicate Claims


Provider Enrollment: Initially Enrolling a Dentist in the Medicare Program


Submitting Revalidation via PECOS


Getting Access to PECOS


Targeted Probe and Educate


Learning Medicare Secondary Payer Interactively


Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transports Prior Authorization


PECOS: View and Manage Reassignments through Group Enrollment


Provider Enrollment Revalidation Overview


Physical/Occupational Therapy Billing


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855A Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855I Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855B Paper Application


PECOS: Manage Signatures and Additional Information Requests


Utilizing Third Party Billing Companies


Medicare Part B Ambulance Coverage, Basics and Billing


Home Health Top Claim Errors


Hospice Top Claim Errors


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use


Ambulance Services and Establishing Medical Necessity for Part B Providers


Medicare Secondary Payer: Preparing and Submitting Claims – Part 1


Medicare Secondary Payer: Preparing and Submitting Claims (Examples) – Part 2


Submitting Revalidation via PECOS


PECOS: View and Manage Reassignments through Group Enrollment


Provider Enrollment Revalidation Overview


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855A Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855B Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855I Paper Application


Getting Access to PECOS


PECOS: Manage Signatures and Additional Information Requests


Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities: Three-Day or Less Interruptions


Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities: Three-Day or Less Interruptions


Using the Medicare Coverage Database: How to Find Important Medicare Coverage Information


Preventive Services Overview


Preventive Services: Flu and PPV Vaccines


Reducing Unprocessable Claims


Steps to Claim Corrections


Proper Part B Claim Submissions


Home Health Billing Coffee Break


Home Health Billing Part One: The Notice of Admission


Home Health Billing Part Two: The Period of Care Claim


Getting Access to PECOS


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855A Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855B Paper Application


Provider Enrollment: Completing the CMS-855I Paper Application


PECOS: View and Manage Reassignments through Group Enrollment


Provider Enrollment Revalidation Overview


How to Avoid Duplicate Claims


The National Correct Coding Initiative and Medically Unlikely Edits for Part B Providers


Physical/Occupational Therapy Billing


Podiatry Services - Routine Foot Care and Debridement of Nails


Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions Group and Nongroup Health Plans


Understanding the Reopening and Appeal Process Open Forum


Skilled Nursing Facility Coverage Basics


Medicare Part B Ambulance Coverage, Basics and Billing


Long-Term Care Hospitals: Interruptions


Billing Telehealth Services for Part B Providers


Prior Authorization for Certain Hospital Outpatient Department Services – Facet Joint Interventions


Provider Enrollment: Initially Enrolling a Dentist in the Medicare Program


NGSConnex: Part B Redetermination Notifications


NGSConnex: Part B Redetermination Notifications


Preventive Services: Screening for Cardiovascular Disease and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm


Billing Telehealth Services for Part B Providers


Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use
