FISS DDE Provider Online Guide

Chapter IV: Inquiries Submenu (01)

Provider Practice Address Query (1D)


The purpose of the Provider Practice Address Query screen is to display the additional practice addresses for a facility; this includes off-campus, outpatient, or provider-based department of a hospital.

FISS Inquiry Submenu

To access the Provider Practice Address Query option from the FISS online inquiries submenu, type ‘1D’ at the Enter Menu Selection: prompt, then press the <Enter>key. The Provider Practice Address Query Summary screen (MAP1ABI) will be displayed.

Screenshot of the Provider Practice Address Query Summary screen (MAP1ABI).

To access practice address information, enter the NPI and/or OSCAR, and press the <Enter> key. A list of provider practice locations will be displayed.

Field Description
NPI National Provider Identifier number
OSCAR Medicare provider number as assigned by CMS for identification of the provider rendering Medicare services.
PRAC EFF DT Effective Date of the Practice
PRAC TERM DT Termination Date of the Practice
ADDRESS Street address of the practice location
ZIP Practice location ZIP code

To access more detailed information about a practice location, <Tab> to the SEL field and enter “S” to select, then press the <Enter> key. The Provider Practice Address Query Inquiry screen (MAP1AB2) will display.

Screenshot of the Provider Practice Address Query Inquiry screen (MAP1AB2).

Field Description
NPI National Provider Identifier number
OSCAR Medicare provider number as assigned by CMS for identification of the provider rendering Medicare services.
PRAC EFF DT Termination Date of the Practice (eight-position numeric field in MMDDCCYY format). When there is no actual practice termination date, a default value of 12319999 displays.
PRAC TERM DT Rate the system uses for calculating reimbursement for the HCPCS when Professional Services (revenue codes 96X, 97X or 98X) are billed by critical access providers that have selected provider reimbursement method I (nine-position numeric field in 999999.999 format with four occurrences).
PRAC LOCATION KEY Practice Location Key from the PECOS Extract File (20-position alphanumeric field)
OTHER PRACTICE Identifies whether the PECOS record is for an Other Practice as noted on position 81 of the PECOS Extract File on the Child Record 04

Valid Values
Y - yes
N - no
TYPES OF PRACTICE Practice type (20-position alphanumeric field)
ADDRESS Address Line 1 for the provider’s practice location (55-position alphanumeric field)
ADDRESS 2 Address Line 2 for the provider’s practice location (55-position alphanumeric field)
CITY City for the provider’s practice location (30-position alphanumeric field)
STATE State for the provider’s practice location (two-position alphabetic field)
ZIP ZIP for the provider’s practice location (15-position numeric field)
NPI EFF DT Effective date of the provider’s NPI (eight-position numeric field in MMDDCCYY format)
NPI ERM DT Termination date of the provider’s NPI (eight-position numeric field in MMDDCCYY format). When there is no actual practice termination date, a default value of 12319999 displays.

Revised 8/16/2023