General Information Guide

National Provider Calls and Events

MLN Connects® National Provider Calls (MLN Connects® Calls) are educational conference calls held by CMS for the Medicare provider and supplier community to educate and inform participants about new policies and/or changes to the Medicare Program. MLN Connects® is a part of the Medicare Learning Network®*.

These calls are free of charge and prior registration is required to participate. Refer to the link above for information about upcoming or previous MLN Connects Calls including registration information, links to call presentation materials, written transcripts, audio recordings, podcasts, video slideshow presentations and other related materials.

To receive notification of upcoming MLN Connects® calls, please subscribe to the CMS weekly email newsletter MLN Connects® for the latest Medicare Program information, MLN Connects® Call announcements, other event announcements, claims and pricer information and MLN educational product updates.

Revised 10/13/2023