FISS DDE Provider Online Guide

Chapter III: Navigating the Online System

Program Function Keys


The following chart outlines the screen movement associated with each of the keyboard program function <F/PF> keys. Note: From a functional standpoint, providers may need to use the <Esc> key in conjunction with the appropriate number to accomplish the desired screen movement:

Program Function Key <Esc>
F1/PF1 Esc 1 Serves as a help key; allows access to specific reason code file information about the error received
F2/PF2 Esc 2 No function—do not use
F3/PF3 Esc 3 Exits you to the menu or submenu; when in a roll-out screen this key will return you to your originating screen
F4/PF4 Esc 4 Exits the entire online system by terminating the session
F5/PF5 Esc 5 Scrolls the user backward within a page of screen data
F6/PF6 Esc 6 Scrolls the user forward within a page of screen data
F7/PF7 Esc 7 Moves the user back a page—one page at a time
F8/PF8 Esc 8 Moves the user forward a page—one page at a time
F9/PF9 Esc 9 Stores or updates data that has been entered in an entry or update/claim correction type transaction
F10/PF10 Esc 10 Moves the user to the left of their viewing screen (columns 1–80)
F11/PF11 Esc - Moves the user to the right of their viewing screen (columns 81–132)
F12/PF12 Esc = No function—do not use

Revised 5/16/2017