Home Health Billing

Correcting and Avoiding Overlap Reason Codes

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Correcting and Avoiding Overlap Reason Codes

Three common error codes are applied to home health RAPs and claims. The three reason codes have one major commonality—they point to an overlap with an existing home health episode. This overlap can be with another HHA or your own agency. The three high-volume home health overlap error codes and their descriptions are:

  • U538I: The RAP or episode claim overlaps an existing episode with a different provider
  • U538F: The RAP or episode claim overlaps an existing episode at your agency and the from date equals the episode’s start date
  • U538G: The RAP or episode claim overlaps an existing episode at your agency and the from date is different than the episode’s start date

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Provider Action Steps

  1. Check the CWF for the presence of an established home health episode.
  2. Contact the HHA with the open episode to verify the transfer. (Note: Please refer to the home health Transfer Job Aid for proper transfer protocol.)
  3. Verify the dates and codes billed on your RAPclaim.
The patient was transferred to your agency Enter condition code 47 to indicate patient transfer for dates of service on or after 7/1/2010. Use admission source code ‘B’ on your transfer RAP if for date of service prior to 7/1/2010.
The patient was discharged and readmitted to your agency in the same episode Verify episode start date and previous episode end date. Use admission source code ‘C’ on the readmission RAP for dates of service prior to 7/1/2010.
The RAPclaim is for an initial episode The “From” date needs to be the same as the admit date
The RAPclaim is for a subsequent episode The “From” date needs to reflect the date the subsequent episode began (day 61, 121, 181, etc.)


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How to Avoid This Reason Code

  • Always check the CWF when accepting a new patient to ensure no other HHA has been established as the primary agency.
  • Talk to the beneficiary about any other care they are receiving in the home.
  • Verify the dates billed and coding on your current claim submission and previous episode claims.
  • Develop an internal process or checklist of systems/information that must be confirmed before submitting claims to Medicare.

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