Drugs and Vaccines

Proper Billing for TEZSPIRE HCPCS Code J2356

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Proper Billing for TEZSPIRE HCPCS Code J2356

National Government Services has noticed improper billing of units for HCPCS code J2356; TEZSPIRE 210 mg/1.91 mL (110 mg/mL) prefilled syringe.

TEZSPIRE is indicated for the add-on maintenance treatment of adult and pediatric patients aged 12 years and older with severe asthma.

Limitations of Use: TEZSPIRE is not for relief of acute bronchospasm or status asthmaticus.

Effective for dates of service on or after 7/1/2022 the permanent J-code, J2356, must be used.

TEZSPIRE is packaged as 210 mg/1.91 mL (110 mg/mL) prefilled syringe.

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Claim Completion Requirements

Ensure the following is present on the claim:

  • The number of units administered referenced as 210 units; if the full syringe was used
    • Note: Each mg is equal to one unit
  • A payable primary diagnosis: J45.50 or J45.51

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Drug Wastage

Effective 1/1/2017, providers and suppliers are required to report the JW modifier as a way to identify, and be paid for, unused drugs and biologicals.

  • The JW modifier is applied to the amount of drug or biological that is discarded, and it is billed on a separate line item; and
  • The discarded drug/biological must be documented in the patient’s medical record

When billing for wastage, ensure the following is present on the claim:

  • A line with the amount administered of the HCPCS code
  • A separate line for the wasted amount of the HCPCS code with the JW modifier appended
    • For example: If 105 mg was administered and 105 mg was wasted it would be billed as the following:
      • HCPCS Line 1: J2356, 105 units
      • HCPCS Line 2: J2356/JW, 105 units

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Appropriate Administration Coding

As a reminder, it’s not appropriate to bill the administration CPT 96401 for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection non-chemotherapy HCPCS codes.

The correct administration CPT code for HCPCS J2356 as well as other subcutaneous and intramuscular injection non-chemotherapy HCPCS codes is CPT 96372.

Note: To avoid unnecessary rejections, claims for these types of drugs and their non-chemotherapy administration should be billed as a pair on a separate claim from any chemotherapy.

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Reviewed 3/26/2024