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Posting Date: Tue Jan 23 00:00:00 GMT 2024
Credit Balance Report Reminder: Due Date Approaching

Credit Balance Report Reminder: Due Date Approaching For the quarter ending 12/31/2023, CBRs can be submitted starting 1/1/2024 and must be submitted within 30 days to be considered timely. The easies...

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Posting Date: Mon Jan 22 00:00:00 GMT 2024
2024 Annual Update to the Therapy Code List: Caregiver Training Codes

2024 Annual Update to the Therapy Code List: Caregiver Training Codes The CMS annual update to the therapy code list includes three new caregiver training “sometimes therapy” codes to include caregive...

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Posting Date: Mon Jan 22 00:00:00 GMT 2024
2024 Annual Update to the Therapy Code List: Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

2024 Annual Update to the Therapy Code List: Remote Therapeutic Monitoring CMS is updating Disposition 10, in addition to other modifications, to clarify that, for RTM services, physical and occupatio...

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Posting Date: Mon Jan 22 00:00:00 GMT 2024
The Part B Top Claim Errors Have Been Reviewed and Updated

The Part B Top Claim Errors Have Been Reviewed and Updated Our top claim errors are updated on a quarterly basis to reflect current information. Visit Top Claim Errors to learn what you can do to avoi...

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