
Appropriate Usage of Modifier 99

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Appropriate Usage of Modifier 99

Modifier 99 indicates multiple modifiers; under certain circumstances, two or more modifiers may be necessary to completely delineate a service. In such situations, modifier 99 should be added to the basic procedure and all other applicable modifiers should be listed as part of the description for the service.

Keep in mind, modifier 99 should only be used if a single line item requires five or more modifiers.

Note: Item 24D on the CMS-1500 Claim Form or the electronic equivalent (Loop 2400, SV1 segment, data elements SV101-3, SV101-4, SV101-5 and SV101-6) accommodates the entry of up to four modifiers.

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Appropriate Usage

If a single line item requires five or more modifiers, enter only modifier 99 in the first space available for modifiers in item 24D or the electronic equivalent (Loop 2400, SV1 segment, data elements SV101-3, SV101-4, SV101-5 and SV101-6).

Enter all other applicable modifiers in item 19 “Additional Claim Information,” or the electronic equivalent (Loop 2400, NTE segment, data element NTE02).

  • When modifier 99 is entered on multiple line items of a single claim form, all applicable modifiers for each line item containing a 99 modifier should be listed as follows:
    • 1=(mod), where the number 1 represents the line item and ‘mod’ represents all modifiers applicable to the referenced line item.

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Inappropriate Usage

  • Entering three different modifiers in the first three modifier fields and then 99 in the fourth.
  • Reporting less than five modifiers for one line of service.

When modifier 99 is improperly used or not reported it can cause the following issues during claim processing:

  • Claim denials
  • Delay in processing/payment
  • Improper payment

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Revised 9/28/2023