Medicare University

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, select the link below the login screen titled Forgot your password?

Medicare University login screen highlighting forgot your password

To retrieve your password, follow these easy steps:

Step 1 - Type your username in the field labeled Username
Step 2 - Click on the Process button located directly below the Username field.

Forgot your Password page highlighting Username and Process
Step 3 - After you have clicked on the process button, the following message will appear: You request has been processed. An email has been sent with further information.

Forgot your Password page

Note: Within five minutes you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. The email will come from Medicare University ( and the subject line of the email will state Forgotten Password.

Forgotten Password email

After you have received your forgotten password email, Select the Reset your password button.

Follow the instructions below to change your password:

The password must:

  • Be at least eight characters in length.
  • Contain a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters (ex. ! @ # $ % ^ & *)

Step 1 - Enter your new password.
Step 2 - Enter your new password again to confirm.
Step 3 - Click the Change button.